9 questions about the CRM comparison
What needs to be considered for a successful CRM comparison?
There is more and more CRM software on the market. As a prospective customer, you are spoiled for choice. You should ask yourself the following questions when selecting a suitable CRM system. This will help you to narrow down the range of providers.
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What size is my company and can the system grow with it?
Many CRM systems are primarily aimed at specific company sizes. Some are aimed more at small and medium-sized companies, others at large ones. This can already rule out providers when comparing CRM systems.
CRM must grow with you
Of course, your company should also grow. It is therefore also relevant how scalable the CRM system is. If the number of your employees and locations increases nationally or even internationally in the future.
What does my server and IT infrastructure look like?
Pay attention, for example, to which operating system the software supports. Or which server structure you would like to install the software on. The different providers also have different requirements.
Data security in the cloud
Many providers now offer cloud CRM as well as hosted and administered infrastructures. This has the advantage that you don't have to worry about the IT landscape. What's more, the software is always up to date. However, the question of data security is important here.
Consider the performance of your hardware
The age of the hardware in your company is also relevant when making this decision. If updates are due anyway, motivate your employees at the same time.
Who should work with the CRM, where and how?
Which of your employees should work with the CRM? Are there several departments with different requirements? Preliminary user numbers and system requirements can already be derived from such questions. They will help you with a requirements overview and CRM comparison.
Selection in a team
When looking for a CRM, it is generally advisable to put together a team from the various departments. This team is also involved in drawing up the specifications and making the selection.
Do we need a mobile application?
For example, do your sales staff travel a lot and need to access customer data from any location? Then you should check whether a mobile version of the software is available. If you are thinking of a CRM app, it is relevant for which end devices it is suitable. Not all apps run on tablets, smartphones and all operating systems.
Do not underestimate offline capability
Consider cases where there is no internet connection. It is worth looking for CRM software that is available offline and synchronizes changes the next time a connection is established.
How convenient and intuitive is the software to use?
Switching to CRM software will be much easier for your employees if you pay attention to intuitive and convenient usability when comparing CRM software. This can include, for example, the number of clicks for certain actions within the software or the ease of access to the menu and software interface. In particular, the type of integrated search, for example Google-style, can make a big difference for your employees.
What interfaces are there and which do I need?
What other business applications do you work with in your company in addition to the CRM system? This could be an ERP system or marketing automation, for example. The more seamlessly these can be integrated into the CRM system, the smoother and more efficient your employees' work processes will be.
Sometimes it works without an interface
Many software providers already provide standardized interfaces (APIs). CRM providers that offer a high degree of customization can even create interfaces specifically for you on request. In addition, there is already software that integrates information via widgets*, such as route planners, weather information or the train app.
Does the software fit your business model?
Depending on how your business processes work, you should ask yourself whether standard software is sufficient for you. Or do you need special industry solutions. Perhaps you are even dependent on individual customizations. Some providers allow you to expand your basic CRM framework with a modular system. This has additional advantages during implementation.
A direct line to the provider pays off
Your provider should definitely have the appropriate know-how for customizing the software. Otherwise there will be problems later on. When comparing CRM systems, you should at least ensure that there are as seamless transitions as possible between applications and departments such as service, sales and marketing.
How high are the costs and what is the ROI (return on investment)?
In terms of costs, the cloud solution is becoming increasingly popular. Here, you pay a fixed and therefore calculable price each month. You also save the costs that would be incurred for an in-house server and IT infrastructure. Important! Find out about contract terms, payment terms and short-term scaling options.
Investment must pay off
When it comes to the question of ROI, you should be aware that you can hardly put a clear figure on it. Rather, the benefits can be seen in time savings, more efficient lead tracking and faster response times from your employees. You can measure higher customer satisfaction via a direct survey. But this doesn't just depend on the CRM software. The way in which it is used and your company's CRM strategy are decisive factors.
Measurable ROI
However, these figures can certainly be measured. Take a look at your current situation in the various areas beforehand and set yourself realistic goals that you want to achieve after the CRM implementation. Use our checklist to determine ROI.
What service and support does the provider offer?
Pay attention to what service and support the CRM provider offers you and at what price. You will be grateful for help from professionals, especially with data migration, workshops or employee training. Ongoing webinars or jour fixes with your final CRM provider will also help you. This will help you keep the system and your employees up to date in the long term.
Also interesting: In which format will you receive your data after termination? If you ever want to switch.
*Information from other sources and actions that are related to the CRM data accessed. These can often beeasily configured in theCRM itself.
Good luck with the CRM comparison!
Checklist CRM requirements & specifications
What requirements must your CRM system fulfill? Select your desired functions, processes and interfaces. Determine the basis for successfully comparing different providers.