• EN-Gedys Intraware

    Questions or problems?

    Our experienced experts in the Service Center will be happy to help!


    With or without a contract: you can make your request by phone or via ticket tracking.
    A member of staff will get back to you immediately and answer your question or solve your problem.

    Support via remote maintenance

    Teamviewer is free software that can be used to conduct online meetings. For a quick diagnosis, we use Teamviewer to look at your application and understand your request directly and quickly.

    Support without a contract

    If you have not yet concluded a support contract, individual requests are possible, which are billed at separate conditions: 78 euros per request + 156 euros per hour

    Support times

    Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding public holidays)

    Extended support hours

    on request

    By starting the TeamViewer software, you acknowledge the exclusion of liability when using TeamViewer:

    • GEDYS IntraWare GmbH does not assume any warranty for the programs installed on your computer, nor for their protective equipment (virus scanner or firewall).
    • The customer is solely responsible for his own data security. Liability is limited to intent and gross negligence.
    • GEDYS IntraWare GmbH accepts no liability for faults not caused by it, even if they are close in time to the support provided.
    • By clicking the button, you confirm acceptance of the agreement for online support and start the download of the Teamviewer software.
    • Please note that this service is only available to you during our support hours after telephone consultation with our support staff.
    • The consultant cannot work with you without your express consent.
    • No third-party programs will be installed on your PC.
    • It is not possible to remove data from your PC unnoticed and without authorization.
    • You can end the joint session at any time.

    Notes and frequently asked questions

    The replica ID is a unique identifier for your installed database. How to display the replica ID of a database:
    1. Open the database or select it.
    2. Select "File - Database - Properties" and click on the 3rd tab "Info".
    3. Here you can see the replica ID.

    Please enter the name of the organization of your Lotus Notes/Domino user ID in the "Notes organization" field.

    This is how you find the Notes organization:
    If your user name is structured as follows, then the following value is the Notes organization:

    Hans Mustermann/GEDYSIntraWare -> GEDYSIntraWare
    HansMustermann/sub-organization1/GEDYSIntraWare -> GEDYSIntraWare
    Hans Mustermann/sub-organization1/GEDYSIntraWare/DE -> GEDYSIntraWare

    For an individual offer for a maintenance contract or a product update without a maintenance contract, please contact us here, stating the names and versions of the products used, the Notes Domino server and the Notes client version.

    You can choose the right contract for you from the 3 packages Standard, Pro and HCL Notes Domino. For more details, please contact us here.

    For an individual offer for a maintenance contract or a product update without a maintenance contract, please contact us here, stating the names and versions of the products used, the Notes Domino server and the Notes client version.

    You can find them on our website Release-Info-Point.

    With a valid contract you have the possibility to request the new versions of the Gedys Intraware GmbH products under maintenance.

    T: +49 661 9642 333

    Please have the following information ready:

    • Name and version of the products used
    • Notes: Domino server and Notes client version

    Choose your individual contract package

    All information applies to the 5-day week,

    Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00,

    except public holidays

    Standard package

    • Maintenance: follow-up version and software optimization

    • Inquiries / solutions by e-mail and telephone

    • Help via remote maintenance (Remote Access)

    Pro package

    • Maintenance: follow-up version and software optimization

    • Inquiries / solutions by e-mail and telephone

    • Help via remote maintenance (remote access)

    • High priority

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • Support for your Gedys Intraware customizations

    HCL Notes Domino

    • Maintenance: follow-up version and software optimization

    • Inquiries / solutions by e-mail and telephone

    • Help via remote maintenance (remote access)

    • High priority

    • Reduced hourly rate

    • Support for your Notes / Domino infrastructure

    Submit your support request here.

    Or call us directly.



    Peter Kiel

    Service and Support

    T: +49 661 9642 333
    E: Contact us

    Support request form