• EN-Gedys Intraware

    Take countermeasures!

    Negative sales development due to cost pressure, shortage of skilled workers and decline in orders



    In its PwC Mechanical Engineering Barometer, the leading auditing firm PwC found that inflation is continuing to put pressure on the German economy. It identified a negative attitude towards economic development in Germany among those surveyed, with an expected decline in industry salesof -2.9%. In fact, according to the VDMA, the situation at the beginning of 2023 will be characterized by a decline in incoming orders in mechanical and plant engineering. Despite a slight easing in supply chains, there are reports of an inadequate supply of resources and an increase in costs, which will have an impact on price trends. In addition, there is a shortage of skilled workers; according to VDMA figures, 14,000 positions in mechanical engineering are currently unfilled.

    On the other hand, the research and development sector should be viewed positively. According to the VDMA survey, expenditure here will increase again. The tax incentives for companies (research allowance) introduced in 2020 have been well received in this sector, writes VDI-Nachrichten. Hartmut Rauen, Deputy Managing Director of the VDMA, said: "The mechanical engineering sector is keeping up the pace of innovation and investing the additional funds in securing the future of Germany as a business location."

    Important management tools

    for your company on the way to more resilience


    Customers & machines at a 360° overview with xRM

    • xRM 'scentral database provides precise, standardized information for all employees on customers, suppliers, employees, partners and objects such as machines or real estate
    • Everyone has access at any time, from any device and any location; access can be controlled using a roles and rights system
    • Fast response times for inquiries ensure satisfied customers
    • Maintenance contracts and licenses remain in view via widget technology
    • Colored traffic light system shows the status of a project or machine
    • Alerts can be activated via push notifications on mobile devices
    • Automations save time (e.g. CRM provides information on activities associated with customers or projects, reminders ensure deadlines are met)

    Efficient service & maintenance processes

    • Manage maintenance contracts for sold machines or rental models, proactively display maintenance cases automatically
    • Quickly organize the processing of service cases and associated on-site appointments using the calendar & schedule function
    • Optimal route planning for service technician assignments from the CRM
    • Record visit reports on the go via the CRM app using voice input, create offline drafts and save them for the next online connection
    • Automatic forwarding of customer inquiries to the ticket system via websites, social media or email
    • Current processing status visible to customers when they log in. Ticket system also provides valuable ideas for improvements
    • Integrated knowledge management helps 24×7 with self-help.

    Counteracting the shortage of skilled workers

    • In-house knowledge transfer via central data storage to support the development and training of your own workforce
    • Creation of knowledge databases, storage & use of internal training & course documents and online webinars or videos
    • Efficient administration of participants in courses from external training providers or educational institutes, documentation of results
    • Cross-location collaboration with external employees
    • Support for the HR department in recruiting & onboarding new employees via emails, video calls incl. complete documentation of contracts

    Integrated project management

    • Manageany type of project and process, not only in sales or service, but in all departments
    • Assign tasks to the team as project manager & create schedules
    • Support resource management with calendar functions, workload overviews & project scheduling
    • Trackproject progress via integrated traffic light function & dashboard for deadline & cost control
    • Additional supporting functions such as project structure, critical path and Gantt chart

    Sustainability & resource conservation

    • Build up databases for materials and suppliers, switch and find replacements more quickly in the event of failures and bottlenecks
    • Display, monitor and report resource consumption and savings over defined periods or areas with dashboards, identify weak points and take countermeasures
    • Plan and control individual measures to increase sustainability and resource conservation in project management and track progress

    Help with opening up export markets

    • Cross-location collaboration possible via central database
    • Worldwide exchange of information in the shortest possible time via CRM app
    • Email integration, video call and chat functions for global communication
    • Transparent documentation of all processes and projects in CRM
    • Definition and use of standardized processes and workflows for all company locations
    • Simple customization for additional languages (default: German and English)
    • Storage and use of multilingual templates make daily business easier

    Analyses for the targeted development of measures

    • Collect and use uniformly maintained CRM data to identify and evaluate strengths, weaknesses, potential and risks
    • Define and monitor KPIs, whether for orders, projects, sales, costs, material or energy consumption. Diverse evaluations possible via dashboards and reports
    • Data from external sources can also be evaluated via API
    • Different graphical representations of the results
    • Various filters provide valuable insights
    • Set up reports and send regular reports by email

    Optimal planning

    for the deployment of your service team with our CRM for mechanical engineering


    Mobile-CRM-App_Tickets_iPhone14-pro_EN (2)
    • With the planning cockpit in Gedys CRM, you have an overview of all service tickets and the service team's deployment calendar.
    • Using drag & drop, you can assign a ticket to your technical team that has the knowledge required for the repair.
    • The CRM system immediately informs them of the new order - with all the details of the service case and any machine specifications.
    • The service team in the field can view their data on their laptop, tablet or smartphone while on the move - both online and offline.
    • Digital signatures via touch function are also possible. This means that information paths between employees are short and planning is optimally coordinated.
    • If an employee is ill, this is shown in color in the schedule overview . Easy deployment planning thanks to CRM in mechanical and plant engineering.

    Success with
    CRM for mechanical and plant engineering

    Please click on the logos for more information.

    Customer reference logo-Hurco_305x250
    Customer reference logo_Rekers_305x250
    Customer reference logo_Kienle-und-Spiess_305x250

    Quick start

    Digital processes in just a few weeks with the CRM cloud solution including hosting (SaaS model)


    Strengthen your resilience with CRM and xRM:Processes digitized with Gedys CRM make it possible to work more effectively, save time, costs and resources and counteract the shortage of skilled workers. Provide users with important ERP information in the CRM system. Thanks to the JDBC or ERP interface, your sales department has access to delivery bills, invoices and open items. Connect other systems such as e-mail integration (video: CRM Outlook integration)

    Use analyses and evaluations to identify promising projects and prospective customers, focus on them and ensure that you better understand and meet their needs. Because stable relationships make you more resilient in the long term.

    If you use change management to introduce CRM, the software will be quickly accepted by all employees and previously set goals will be achieved.

    • Work from all devices via internet browser
    • 100% DSGVO compliant
    • No need to purchase additional technology or services
    • Includes modules Contacts, Office, Schedule, Workflow, Business Mail, CTI, Social and CRM app
    • CRM app including offline processing
    • Additional modules can be booked
    • Secure hosting for the CRM IT infrastructure
    • (server including administration and backup)
    • Without term limit
    • Languages included: German and English
    • Annual billing, minimum term 24 months
    • Customization possible according to individual requirements

    Register now for the CRM tour

    Get to know the Gedys CRM.



    Sabrina Mönnich

    Business Development

    P: +49 531 123 868 421
    E: smoennich@gedys-intraware.de

    CRM tour registration form