• EN-Gedys Intraware


    Basic knowledge of CXM and CRM

    Our white papers, e-books and checklists provide you with important information in a clear and compact format. Discover the benefits of CXM and CRM solutions at a glance.

    Benefit from:

    • Quickly understandable summaries to read and pass on
    • Clearly formulated benefits for your company
    • Practical checklists to support you and help you make decisions

    Examples of the benefits of a CRM system in sales

    Important tips from the idea to successful CRM implementation

    The big guide for beginners with important information on CRM systems

    Tips & tricks for the right CRM selection

    Discover interesting data thanks to CRM and use it for further activities.

    Importance and implementation of XRM

    Fast visit reports with the smartphone

    Requirements overview for the creation of a specification sheet

    Sample calculations to determine the ROI of a CRM system

    Important skills of a CRM manager and sample job advertisement

    Explanatory films

    Complex things explained simply

    Our explanatory films in German language make complex topics easy to understand. With clear animations and simple explanations, you will quickly understand the most important connections:

    • Easy introduction to the topics of CXM and CRM
    • Relevant information about our products explained briefly and clearly

    Die SAP Outlook Integration holt alle SAP-Daten direkt in Ihre Outlook Mailbox.

    Dauer: 1:35

    CRM-App: Mobiles CRM ist heute ein wichtiger Baustein für alle Unternehmens­proz...

    Dauer: 4:00

    Anbindung von Dritt-Systemen an das CRM mit make | Beispiel: Trello und CRM

    Dauer: 1:00

    Was ist CRM? Mit dem Kundenbeziehungsmanagement oder kurz CRM (Customer Relation...

    Dauer: 2:30

    Service-Management für zufriedene Kunden – CRM für Service & IT

    Dauer: 3:10

    Professionelle Mailings mit CRM und CleverReach.

    Dauer: 2:25

    Kampagnen planen und erfolgreich steuern. Sie sehen wie Sie mit dem übersichtlic...

    Dauer: 3:15

    Die CRM-Software von GEDYS IntraWare ist ein CRM-System für alle Aspekte des Kun...

    Dauer: 2:45

    Angebotskonfigurator: Professionelle Angebote erstellen im CRM.

    Dauer: 2:40

    CRM Outlook Integration – CRM und E-Mail verbinden.

    Dauer: 2:25


    Experience expert knowledge

    Immerse yourself in our exciting webcasts in German language. Experience recorded expert presentations and interactive sessions on current topics.

    You can look forward to:

    • First-hand insights
    • Exchange with leading experts
    • The latest information and trends

    Sehen Sie, in der Live-Vorstellung Gedys Intraware 8.14 gute User Experience als...

    Dauer: 37:00

    So sieht CRM-Integration in der Praxis aus: wenn alle im Unternehmen ihre spezie...

    Dauer: 32:45

    Live-Vorstellung Gedys Intraware 8.13. Mit dem neuen Projektmanagement im Web: S...

    Dauer: 47:00

    Sie sehen eine umfassende Vorstellung der Dashboards und Reports mit Gedys Intra...

    Dauer: 50:00

    Sehen Sie, in der Live-Vorstellung Gedys Intraware 8.12., alle neuen Funktionen ...

    Dauer: 01:04:30

    Erleben Sie das neue cleane Design und die optimierte Nutzerführung in dieser Li...

    Dauer: 52:00

    Customer stories

    Success stories of our customers

    Read impressive success stories in the reference reports from various industries. See how our solutions are used in practice and the benefits they bring.

    Benefit from:

    • Real first-hand application examples
    • Content to help you select the right business solution

    Clear view of the market and sales management

    Safely into the digital future with empathy and CRM

    A successful strategy with CRM and optimized sales processes

    Precision in perfection with optimized customer service, sales and marketing

    CRM simplifies internal and external communication

    Goodbye to paperwork! CRM optimizes processes

    Digital customer support for sales


    Compact information at a glance

    Our brochures provide you with all the important information in a clear and compact format. Discover the benefits of our products and services.

    Benefit from:

    • Clearly formulated benefits to help you achieve your goals
    • Interactive file formats with further information

    Increase your sales.

    CRM system on Smartphone and Tablet

    Work from all devices via Internet browser.

    The tool brings SAP into your mailbox.

    For the successful management of companies

    Blockbuster with highlights of release 8.11 (in german)

    Blockbuster with highlights of release 8.12 (in german)

    Blockbuster with highlights of release 8.13 (in german)

    Blockbuster with highlights of release 8.14 (in german)

    Blockbuster with highlights of release 8.15 (in german)

    Top CRM integrations for a more efficient business