Whistleblower system
The Proalpha Group is committed to responsible corporate governance. Our corporate values form the foundation of our cooperation and our success. An important part of this is the promotion of a culture in which unlawful behavior can be reported and addressed. We have therefore introduced a company-wide whistleblower system.
This system allows anyone - be it employees, former colleagues, customers, suppliers or third parties - to alert us to potential legal violations or breaches of our policies and Code of Conduct. Its sole purpose is to receive and process such reports.
We see your reports as a decisive instrument for clarifying and remedying misconduct and grievances. Proalpha ensures that all reports are treated confidentially and that the identity of the whistleblower is protected within the framework of the applicable laws.
You can bring your concerns to us in confidence - your voice counts.
Click here to access the whistleblower system (Germany)
Click here for the whistleblower system (Austria)