• EN-Gedys Intraware

    Privacy policy CRM app

    CRM app goMobile Pro from Gedys IntraWare

    Thank you for your interest in our products, services, our company and our handling of your data. This statement contains all the important information on how personal data is collected, processed or used in connection with the Gedys CRM app goMobile Pro. The protection of personal data is very important to us, which is why this statement also addresses the obligations of the user.

    1st app provider

    Gedys Intraware GmbH, Eigilstraße 2, 36043 Fulda, Germany

    2. responsible body

    The controller within the meaning of the Data Protection Act is the company that allows its employees and/or third parties to access the Gedys CRM via the app.

    3. first use of the app

    The user enters the username and password for Notes/Domino Internet access. These are stored in the protected area of the app. The access data is required to authenticate for synchronization on the Domino server and to open goMobile Pro quickly without having to log in again. Configuration data such as server URL, path and connected contacts databases are also saved.

    4. permanent use

    The data connection takes place between the Domino server of the customer or hosting provider and the app. The connection between the app and the server takes place via http (unencrypted) or https (encrypted), depending on the settings of the server and the app. If activated, the app saves the addresses of a GI contact in a local database within the app.

    Names, search names of companies and names of contacts are transferred to iOS so that they can be found via the iOS Spotlight search and taken directly to the address in the app. Names, company names and telephone number(s) are transferred to the operating system for caller identification and stored in an internal database. This is used to display recognized addresses for incoming calls and to display them in the call list. In accordance with the principle of "privacy by default" (see Art. 25 para. 2 GDPR), the user of the app can decide for themselves whether or not to use these features. Other data is opened within the app in a browser and only processed and stored in Gedys CRM on the server.

    5. support case

    The goMobile Pro app does not store any logs and does not send anything to servers independently. The operating system may save and send crash logs to the provider's servers. Google and Apple offer the option of evaluating crashes within the developer console. As a developer, you have no influence on this.

    6 Starting the app

    After starting the app, the saved password is requested. On iOS devices, it is also possible to log in using the fingerprint (TouchId), if this has been set up. After logging in, depending on the configuration, Gedys CRM is opened in the browser or the local addresses can be searched. The question of whether addresses should be updated appears daily. The server is contacted and the local database is updated.

    7. requested authorizations of the app

    The app requests authorizations so that it can fully develop its range of functions. These authorizations relate to microphones, memory, photos, media and location.

    7.1 Microphone, memory, photos, media:

    Permissions required to enable the uploading of file attachments and business cards. Data is requested via these permissions when the user wants to upload something.

    7.2 Location:

    Authorization is required for map display, route planning and proximity search. Location is passed on from the current location to Geonames.org during the proximity search. The map display is generated with Google Maps, where Google processes the location.

    8. data protection principles

    The user/company is responsible for the lawful and responsible protection of data, as no data is transmitted to Gedys Intraware GmbH. Which data is processed, used or collected by the app relates primarily to personal data associated with the business purpose of the company, such as surname, first name, address and related correspondence, such as e-mails, visit reports, telephone notes, letters, contracts, etc.

    The security technologies used are the responsibility of the user and the company that has purchased the app for its employees and third parties. GEDYS IntraWare GmbH can only recommend that these are always aligned with the current state of the art. The security concepts must also be constantly adapted to new findings and updated. This is necessary to protect data from theft and misuse. The legal provisions of the EU GDPR and the BDSG (new) should be applied.

    Personal data may only be collected, processed, used and stored to the extent that the user/company has been authorized to do so.

    9 Purpose of the data collection

    The data collected, processed, used and stored with the app is provided by the user. The purpose for which this data is used is the responsibility of the user, their area of responsibility and the business purpose of the company that has purchased the app for its employees or third parties. Gedys Intraware GmbH has no influence on this.

    10. contact details

    In the current version, the goMobile app does not have access to the device's address book. Contacts are only synchronized from a selected Gedys Contacts database to an internal database. The user can decide for himself whether synchronization is activated and select a Contacts. These contacts are then completely synchronized. On iOS devices, it is also possible to optionally add addresses to the so-called Spotlight Index. This allows the device's search function to find and open addresses in the goMobile app.

    The synchronization of addresses and saving in Spotlight can be switched on and off for the user.

    11 Data usage by Gedys Intraware GmbH

    The app communicates exclusively between the mobile device and the server at the user's company or hosting provider.

    If the server is located at the user's company or if Gedys Intraware is not the hosting provider, Gedys Intraware GmbH has no possibility of reading and/or evaluating (tracking) personal data, usage data, transaction data or correspondence content from the mobile device through the app. This data is also not transmitted to Gedys Intraware GmbH.

    If Gedys Intraware GmbH is the hosting provider, a separate agreement must be concluded in addition to an AV contract in accordance with Art. 28 EU GDPR, which replaces or supplements this declaration. The user of the app does not have to transmit his personal data to Gedys Intraware GmbH for the use of the app, unless he is commissioned with the commercial or business-related introduction of the app in his company.

    12. use of third-party services

    Some functions within the app use external data services. As described in the license terms, you will find a list of these data services below, including a description of the information transmitted to the respective data service and the information retrieved and stored by the respective data service. Services and services that transmit personal data to third parties are the responsibility of the user of the app and are only transmitted to third parties through the user's active actions.

    12.1 Google Maps

    Google Maps(https://www.google.com/intx/en_uk/work/mapsearth/) for route planning and map displays
    General Terms and Conditions: http://www.google.com/policies/terms/
    Privacy policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

    12.2 Geocoding

    Transmitted to the service: Address data of the respective address but no names, language of the user
    Received from the service: The geodata of the address. These are not stored persistently.

    12.3 Reverse geocoding

    for the proximity search to determine the address of the current location.
    Transmitted to the service: The geodata of the current location and the user's language
    Received from the service: Zip code and the country

    12.4 Geonames

    Geonames(http://www.geonames.org/) for the proximity search
    Licensing: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
    Transmitted to the service: Postal code, country code, radius, user name, maximum number of returned data
    Received from the service: The zip codes are further processed from the result.

    12.5 ABBYY

    ABBYY(http://ocrsdk.com/) for scanning business cards
    General Terms and Conditions: www.abbyy.com/Legal/
    Privacy Policy: https://www.abbyy.com/privacy/
    Developer Agreement: https://cloud.ocrsdk.com/account/displaydeveloperagreement
    Transmitted to the service: access data, control parameters and the photo of the business card.
    Received from the service: XML file with all recognized texts of the business card.

    12.6 Sentry

    Sentry(www.sentry.io) for recording and evaluating errors
    General terms and conditions: https://sentry.io/terms/
    Privacy Policy: https://sentry.io/privacy/
    Security & Compliance: https://sentry.io/security/
    The transmission of errors can be optionally activated in the configuration of the application. If this function is active, error logs and diagnostic data are transmitted to Gedys Intraware. These error logs are used by Gedys Intraware GmbH Development to solve problems and improve the product. The function is deactivated by default (Privacy by Default).
    Transmitted to the service: IP address, user name of the device owner, URL to the CRM installation, information about the device and operating system, app version, error logs, transactions in the app. Personal data from the address book of the device is not transferred.

    12.7 One Signal

    Never lose sight of the business and always be up to date. A requirement that has been incorporated into the goMobile Pro app. With the One Signal add-on, it is possible to receive push notifications on your device. For data protection reasons, the service is initially deactivated and must be activated proactively by the company. Please note that you may incur additional costs for this. In addition, the use of the service must be discussed in advance with your data protection officer.

    The ID of the mobile device is transmitted to the service provider One Signal. There is also a connection between One Signal and Apple as well as other device manufacturers. If One Signal receives a notification, a message is sent to Apple or the other device manufacturers so that the push notification can be sent to the mobile device (see Appendix 1).

    Personal data is transmitted when the service is used. In addition to the ID of the mobile device (which can be assigned to a person), this includes the name of the employee using the device or the name of the person noted in the subject of a ticket, for example. If you receive a workflow notification, a service ticket, information from customers you are following or a resubmission, this will be displayed as push notifications in the status bar of your mobile device. With this extension, you are always up to date with regard to your customers and tasks and do not lose track. It is also possible for colleagues to send you push notifications about completed topics or tasks.


    13. use of cookies

    We use cookie technology to improve the usability of our app. Cookies are defined as small text files that are sent from your server to your smartphone when you use the app and are stored by the server for later retrieval. Both session cookies (also known as temporary cookies) and cookies that are stored over a longer period of time (also known as persistent cookies) are used.
    The cookies are used to continue to identify your smartphone while you are using the app, but also to determine the end of your use and to recognize the device when you use it again.
    You can delete the cookies by deleting the Gedys CRM app goMobile from your smartphone.

    14. contact person data protection declaration CRM app

    We have appointed a data protection officer for our company. You can reach her at dataprotection@gedys-intraware.de.

    15. version

    This privacy policy is valid for Gedys Intraware goMobile version 5.0.0