Reference BauMineral Kraftwerkstoffe
The Gedys CRM in sales provides BauMineral with the necessary transparency in the company

With its sales model, BauMineral stands for sustainability in the building materials industry. As a certified waste management company, BauMineral recycles and markets the by-products from power plants as high-quality, refined mineral building materials - such as hard coal fly ash or limestone.
BauMineral accepts all by-products from power plant operators for safe, economical recycling. Dry building materials and fine fillers are used either as mass building materials (e.g. in road construction), as binding agents for concrete products or as special building materials for industrial and building construction. The company formulates and mixes these materials according to specific quality specifications or customer formulations. Samples are produced in advance for testing and sent to prospective buyers.
Natural resources are conserved and the environment is relieved by using these “BauWertStoffe”. In order to further expand and improve their range of uses and applications, new processes are also tested in the company's own building materials laboratory. The company's activities cover the German, European and non-European markets.
BauMineral has introduced Gedys CRM software to ensure that all employees in sales, laboratory and dispatch work with standardized contact data for customers and suppliers and are aware of the different requirements, delivery and payment conditions for quotations or samples.
New process for dispatching samples
- The first step was to transfer all company data from SAP to CRM to ensure a uniform view of the customer base. All contacts from the employees' address books were then added.
- A special form with an automatic workflow for sending samples was also created for the sales department.
- The new process involves the sales department filling out a form with the product specifications for customers who request a sample. This form is automatically sent to the laboratory, which compiles the mixture and sends it to the dispatch department.
- After dispatch, the form reaches the sales department again via workflow, which obtains feedback on the samples from the prospective buyers.
- Throughout the entire process, the employees involved have access to all the information they need to perform their tasks optimally.
- This is an important prerequisite for greater customer satisfaction and therefore greater loyalty and more sales!