• EN-Gedys Intraware

    Reference PÖSCHL TABAK

    With Gedys Intraware, the in-house graphics department at Pöschel Tabak digitized its workflows for just over 1000 orders per year.

    PÖSCHL TABAK is the world's largest producer of snuff and the leading German, independent manufacturer of tobacco products. The company exports its own products to 100 countries worldwide.

    For five of the approximately 850 employees who work in the graphics department in Germany, this means around 450 different types of packaging to be redesigned each year. In addition to boxes, pouches and tins, advertising materials such as films, flyers, posters and displays are also designed. The department now handles around 1,000 orders a year, including the necessary corrections and approvals.

    referenz_poeschel-tabak_rohtabak_1920x600Managing orders now takes much less time on both the order and graphic designer side. The approval process has been greatly simplified with the Gedys CRM and orders can be tracked more easily or canceled if necessary. The graphic designers can quickly view the order situation and always know who is working on what and what the status of the order is.

    With the automated time recording, it was even possible to replace a retired part-time employee. What used to be a time-consuming process using Excel lists is now managed in the order management system. This makes it much easier to track whether order times are related to the order and the times can be quickly viewed in order to be booked to the corresponding cost centers.



    • Digitized workflow
    • Transparent order management
    • Detailed approval workflow
    • Automated hours recording
    • Archive for fast reproduction


    „Working with the new tool from Gedys Intraware makes our everyday lives noticeably easier. No more paperwork at last!“

    Bianca Hoffmann, Graphic Designer, PÖSCHL TABAK GmbH & Co. KG



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    Industry: konsumgueter

    Producs: Gedys CRM
