• EN-Gedys Intraware

    Reference Rottendorf Pharma

    Rottendorf Pharma received a powerful contact management tool in the form of Gedys Intraware CRM

    Founded as a family business in Berlin in 1928, Rottendorf Pharma GmbH has been managed in Ennigerloh since 1949. After the death of company founder Andreas J. Rottendorf, the company was converted into a charitable foundation. Its aims were to secure jobs at the company headquarters in Ennigerloh, to support young scientists in the field of pharmacy and to promote social and religious projects such as the Rottendorf Chair at the Philosophical-Theological University in Munich. Rottendorf Pharma GmbH is 100% foundation-managed.

    Today, Rottendorf Pharma operates a competent pharmaceutical B2B business in Europe. The company develops and produces solid orals for over 200 customers, including many internationally renowned companies.



    • Manually managed customer folders with documents and printed e-mails should be eliminated
    • The frequent search and copying of folders to minimize search times should be stopped
    • Resubmission dates should no longer be entered manually in a calendar



    • Introduction of Gedys Intraware Contacts, Office and Schedule for customer management
    • All sales-relevant documents transparent in one database
    • All data can be accessed from anywhere at any time
    • Significantly optimized sales representative management via Schedule
    • Resubmissions are made via automated notifications from the system


    „With Gedys Intraware CRM, all sales-relevant data and documents are now clearly available in one database. This saves us a lot of time when searching for and filing important customer data. It also allows us to work in a more environmentally friendly way, as manual customer folders and the printing of associated information are no longer necessary.

    Dirk Meyer, Head of Sales Rottendorf Pharma GmbH


    Rottendorf Pharma

    Industry: pharmaindustrie

    Producs: Gedys CRM
