• EN-Gedys Intraware

    The 7 phases of CRM implementation

    Once you have chosen an experienced CRM provider, you can expect these phases of CRM implementation.

    CRM implementation is certainly not rocket science. Comparing CRM systems and selecting the right provider is time-consuming. That's why we explain briefly and concisely what you can expect once you have made your selection and which points you should pay attention to during the CRM implementation phases.

    You haven't made a selection yet? The CRM requirements overview checklist will help you.

    The CRM workshop with your CRM partner

    Once you have found the right CRM provider, meet with them for a CRM workshop. On the one hand, this is about everyone involved getting to know each other. The second is to discuss the exact requirements. Accordingly, the entire CRM team and the decision-makers involved in the CRM implementation project should be present.

    The requirements specification is created

    Among other things, the time schedule, specific system requirements, processes and data sources to be mapped, integration options, for example for CRM and ERP in the existing system landscape, as well as individual adaptations and configurations of the system are discussed in detail. The result of the workshop is then the requirements specification on the basis of which the project is implemented.

    Clean up and transfer data

    To launch your new CRM software, your existing data must also be fed into the system. This is a good opportunity to get rid of any deadwood. Make sure that your data finds its way into the new system in a consistent way. Your CRM provider should offer you support with this project. This will allow you to benefit from their experience from previous projects.

    No successful CRM implementation without employeetraining and motivation

    Employee training is particularly important to support them with on-boarding. This is because it promotes their acceptance and ensures that the system is used optimally right from the start. This also enables you to generate a faster ROI (see ROI analysis). The software should be used as extensively as possible and content maintained correctly.

    Many providers offer videos to give you an initial overview of CRM software functions so that you can familiarize yourself with the new CRM software.

    Tip: Employees love it when they can set up their individual CRM themselves. For example, using the new widget technology.

    CRM guide helps employees with the CRM introduction

    Precise guidelines help your employees. It therefore makes sense to provide these in a CRM guide. In addition, the guiding principles of the new CRM strategy can be presented visibly in the company, for example in the form of a calendar or poster. They remind people of the new strategy and thus automatically lead to internalization.

    Your goal of introducing CRM has been achieved when your employees say: "The CRM system is like a good colleague. It works with me and not against me."

    Installation and pilot operation

    Once everything is ready for the CRM introduction, the CRM software is installed by the provider either on its own server or in the data center. And, of course, integrated into the existing system landscape. For example, interfaces to the ERP system or the telephone system are set up.

    Individual adaptations: Customizing

    The system parameters are then configured according to the company's requirements and programming adjustments are made (customizing). Last but not least, pilot operation is used to check the system by test users. They check whether the functions meet all the requirements of the specifications and whether existing interfaces work properly.


    Evolutionary rather than revolutionary! This means that the system is rolled out step by step and not put into operation in one fell swoop. "Step-by-step" can refer either to the locations or to the scope of functions. This is how ourcustomer reference Hurco did it.

    Step by step

    It makes sense not to introduce the system at ten locations at the same time. It is better to implement it one after the other. In terms of functions, you should start with one department, usually sales. This is followed by other areas such as marketing and service.

    Go-live and acceptance

    If the system meets all requirements and has been fully put into operation, acceptance takes place. This confirms that the service has been provided by the provider as agreed.

    CRM is alive

    The actual CRM implementation now appears to be complete. However, your CRM system is alive. This means that it should be regularly checked and optimized after the go-live. This is the only way to ensure the long-term success of your CRM system. This is therefore the most important of the CRM implementation phases.

    Regular meetings with your CRM partner

    Obtain feedback from your employees. Discuss problems or customization requests with your administrator and the provider's support team. Regular jour fixes with your customer advisor support you in the strategic expansion of your CRM system. For example, towards mobile CRM on a tablet or with a CRM app for smartphones.

    Keeping CRM up to date

    This can include necessary automation and functions as well as the integration of supporting tools or an extension with a CRM app. As a CRM expert, your consultant is always aware of new trends and their benefits for your company and is therefore a valuable aid in the development of your CRM system.

    The ultimate guide to implementation

    Is the introduction of a CRM system your next goal? Once you have realized that your company needs a CRM system, there are a few things to consider when introducing it.

    Learn more